Rideau Public School - School Support

Schools - Public Elementary School Ontario


Our school has some large expenses coming up with the centennial and yard renewal. There are also requests from clubs and requests from teachers for things that they need. We plan to make this an ongoing fundraiser to support our school. This is the perfect opportunity to get your gift cards for Christmas (teacher gifts) and, on an on going basis, we can purchase cards to pay for the gas and groceries we are going to buy anyway. Families and supporters will order once a month from their own computer and pay through Fundscript. (Read the payment information carefully. EFT is the best way to make payment). We will have a delivery to the school once a month so that we can avoid individual shipping costs. There are lots of ways to support our school with these gift cards. If 100 families commit to purchasing one 100 dollar gift card, once a month, the return is 1600 dollars per school year. Imagine what we could do if those families also purchase one 100 dollar grocery store card! Please consider using gift cards to pay for some of your regular monthly expenses. Our kids, our educators and your Parent Council will be so grateful.


Raised 0% of $80,000.00

Buy gift cards to support this campaign.

View how it works.



Raised 0% of $80,000.00

Buy gift cards to support this campaign.

View how it works.
