St. Clair Region Conservation Authority - SCRCF

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The St. Clair Region Conservation Foundation (SCRCF) is a registered, charitable organization. Our purpose is to raise funds to support the conservation programs of the St. Clair Region Conservation Authority. Programs such as protecting communities from flooding and erosion dangers; educating children about nature and environmental concerns; tree planting; and the protection of wetlands, soils and forests are all helped through the efforts of the Foundation. To learn more about our work at the SCRCF, please visit

The Foundation is pleased to offer the FundScrip fundraising program, where you can make a difference by purchasing gift cards at face value from FundScrip participating retailers. A percentage of every gift card purchased is contributed to the Foundation’s fundraising efforts. With over 200+ retailers, there are a wide variety of options with a potential return of up to 10% donated to the Foundation!

Thank you for your support of local conservation!