Keheewin School - Enhancing Your Student's School Experience

Schools - Public Elementary School Alberta

Last updated on 10/18/2022


Thank you for supporting our Keheewin Students. We raise funds each year to enrich each child's school experience. Some past funds have gone to gym equipment, field trips, family dance, snacks for outside field day and Terry Fox run, classroom technology and providing a compassionate fund for those less fortunate. Each gift card holds the exact value you have paid. The school makes a percentage from each merchant while you, the customer, pay no extra fees !


Raised 165% of $800.00

Campaign Ended On: 11/18/2022

Buy gift cards to support this campaign.

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Campaign Update
Great news we are running the gift card fundraiser again this year on paper forms to make it easier for everyone!
Look for an invitation letter and order form coming home in your student's backpack early November.

Raised 165% of $800.00

Campaign Ended On: 11/18/2022

Buy gift cards to support this campaign.

View how it works.
