Linda Duncalfe - Sanctus Discipleship

Religious - Other Religious Ontario


SANCTUS is a program which encourages young adults in Uganda, East Africa, in personal character development, growing a living relationship with God and identifying their unique individual gifts.

In-class instruction is combined with group interaction, private study and hands-on experience giving students a balanced understanding of what it means to serve God. Our desire is for students to learn and grow as individuals so that when they enter university or the work place, the experiences they have had will enable them to study and serve with excellence.

The content of the course is delivered through a variety of methods including classroom lectures, group work, discussions, games, self-directed study and hands-on practical experience. Upon completion of the program students have a greater knowledge and experience in the following areas: personal growth, relationships, physical health, freedom from past hurts, knowing God, spiritual disciplines and stewardship.

Each 4-week SANCTUS program costs $9,750 and covers accommodation, meals, course materials, ministry T-shirts and ministry transportation for 15 students. All donations to this project will go towards running the SANCTUS program. It is our desire to run SANCTUS in 4 locations in Uganda throughout the year.

SANCTUS is a program of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God in Uganda and is run in partnership with The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada global worker, Linda Duncalfe. It is our desire to provide young adults with the opportunity to become grounded in their faith so that they can move with confidence into the next season of their lives.


Raised 101% of $1,000.00

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Raised 101% of $1,000.00

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