Remember your childhood days on the playground, laughing, running, and enjoying care-free moments? A safe, fun playground is critical to the development of healthy, active, and socially aware children.
The Forest Heights School’s play equipment is now over 25 years old and in serious need of replacement. It is outdated and lacks accessible features, and the playground is even closed in some areas to protect the children who play there.
As a valued member of our Forest Terrace Heights community, we’re looking for your support to invest in new, modern play equipment and, with it, and our next generation.
What you should know:
• School boards do not fund new or replacement playgrounds; parents and the Friends of Forest Heights Society must fundraise for new play equipment.
• Forest Heights School’s play equipment is on school property and not eligible for City grants.
• Forest Heights School’s yard is well-used, and children from all over our city are welcome to enjoy its offerings. Our school has students from all around Edmonton and is growing yearly.
• We can offer a tax deduction receipt for donations over $25, and our sincere gratitude.
• Our goal is to break ground by 2022, or sooner if we can secure the required funds.