St. Andrew's United Church - Roof repair fund

Religious - Church Alberta


St. Andrew's United Church in Spruce Grove, Alberta is working on a campaign to pay out our roof repair loan of $80,000.

Vision Statement
As a progressive faith community, we live with open minds and hearts. We share the earth and endeavour to be stewards of the gifts God has given us. Following the teachings of Christ, we strive for a caring, safe and just society. We accept diversity as a gift from God to be welcomed and celebrated. We reach out with love and acceptance to live in right relations with individuals of all genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, differing abilities, and racial, ethnic, religious, economic or cultural backgrounds.
All are welcome to participate fully in the life and work of the Church.


Raised 4% of $80,000.00

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Raised 4% of $80,000.00

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