Credit Meadows Elementary - School Council Fundraising

Schools - Public Elementary School Ontario


Your Credit Meadows School Council is excited to introduce our newest fundraising campaign! We're continuing to work hard with your support to raise the money needed to make the necessary upgrades to our schoolyard.

This holiday season we're launching what we hope will be the easiest fundraiser you've ever participated in! You can buy gift cards for the stores that you already shop at (grocery, gas, etc.) or maybe the stores that you are planning to do some holiday shopping this season. It's as easy as that! You're buying full value gift cards to spend where you were already going to be shopping - thanks to Fundscrip, we can earn a percentage from every sale! It's that easy! Invite your friends and family to help out and we can achieve our goals!


Raised 61% of $1,500.00

Buy gift cards to support this campaign.

View how it works.



Raised 61% of $1,500.00

Buy gift cards to support this campaign.

View how it works.
