The Shine Through the Rain Foundation is a non-profit organization that aims to alleviate some of the financial stress felt by families and individuals of all ages diagnosed with life threatening illness. We help patients across Canada by assisting with overdue rent, past due utility bills, transportation/parking costs accumulated during treatments, as well as sending various gift cards to ensure nutritional and basic needs are still being met while money is tight.
Aside from this flagship financial aid program called our Rainy Day Fund, we assist families further through our Rainy Day Gift and Camp Scholarship programs. The Rainy Day Gift program’s goal is that when a family asks for help with gifts, whether for the holidays to ensure gifts under the tree, making a birthday wish come true or a much needed pick me up, we fill a box with items matching the child’s interests and ship it out to them!
Our Camp Scholarship program allows families to send their children to camp when they would otherwise struggle to afford such activities. Similarly, Shine Through the Rain teams up with camps across the country with our Camp Backpack program to ensure campers touched by life threatening illness have an extra fun start to camp with a new backpack filled with goodies.
In short, we aim to help families in as many facets as possible to ensure they can see through their illness and focus their time and energy on treatment and recovery, not debt and the burden of their children missing out.