Momiji Health Care Society - Supporting Seniors

Other Ontario


Momiji Health Care Society (Momiji) was established in 1978 and provides programs and services to seniors living at Momiji and in the community. While Momiji receives some Government Funding, this funding does not cover all of our costs so fundraising activities are crucial. Funds raised from this FundScrip program will be used to help bridge this gap.

Momiji hosts a Seniors Active Living Centre and has Community Services and Support Services departments. Community Services offers culturally-specific dining programs, transportation services and friendly visiting. In 2020-2021, 27,653 meals were served to 297 seniors; 805 trips were made to medical appointments and community outings; 12,647 friendly visits were made to 352 lonely, isolated seniors and 281 volunteers contributed 7,014 hours.

Our Seniors Active Living Centre provides social enrichment through a variety of activities, outings and special events, conducted in Japanese and English. In 2020-2021, 352 seniors participated in 12,647 hours of in-house activities and 19 social clubs, spiritual care sessions, special events and fitness and safety classes were held.

Our Support Services helps Momiji tenants and seniors living in their own homes across the GTA maintain independence and quality of life by providing personal care services, such as homemaking, escorting, translation at medical appointments, and more. In 2020-2021, 54,242 days of personal care services were delivered; 705 seniors received services from Momiji’s social worker; 1,245 visits of primary care was provided to 146 seniors by Momiji’s Doctor and 2,482 nursing care visits was provided to 217 seniors by Momiji’s Nurse.