St. Stephen School (Calgary) - 2023 Gift Card Fundrasier

Schools - Catholic School Alberta


St. Stephen School is a Kindergarten to Grade 9 school located in the community of Southwood in SW Calgary. We have approximately 360 students enrolled for the 2022-2023 school year. Our Kindergarten to grade 9 students reside in the community of Southwood. In addition, we receive Grade 7-9 students from Canyon Meadows, Legacy and Woodbine/Woodlands. Non-Catholic families may inquire at the school, and can be admitted if room and resources are available.

St. Stephen School has a rich history of building community and excellence in academics and athletics. We offer programs for students that are based on the Alberta curriculum and Catholic values of faith, caring, respect, responsibility, trust and family.

Our Mission Statement is to Engage, Encourage and Embrace all students.


Raised 40% of $5,000.00

Campaign Ended On: 05/01/2024

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Raised 40% of $5,000.00

Campaign Ended On: 05/01/2024

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