WM Cook Elementary School PAC - Support the PAC & Get Some Gift Cards

Schools - Public Elementary School British Columbia


Dear our Cook School community!

Please support us in our FundScrip Fundraiser, in which you can purchase gift cards and eGift cards for gifting and for your every day use, emailed or mailed directly to you. There is no deadline to this fundraiser. Holiday shopping? Why not gift cards! Day-to-day grocery shopping? Gift cards! Can't find parking at school drop-offs and pickups? ...sorry, gift cards won't help.

With each purchase of a gift card, a small part of the proceeds will go toward the PAC fund, 100% dedicated to our children with the student Field Trip Fund, G7 Camping Trip, teacher classroom subsidies, library book collection, student leadership program, and more. We kindly ask for consideration in paying with the two other payment options as credit card processing fees (2.5%) can sometimes be more than the proceeds going to the PAC for a transaction. Electronic Funds Transfer and Online Bill Payment accure no fees.

Thank you always for your continual support. Our PAC would love to do more and we can with your support.


Raised 2% of $700.00

Buy gift cards to support this campaign.

View how it works.



Raised 2% of $700.00

Buy gift cards to support this campaign.

View how it works.
