Queen Elizabeth Elementary School PAC - 2020 Fundraiser

Schools - Public Elementary School British Columbia

Last updated on 11/05/2020


Help support the Queen Elizabeth Elementary School!
100% of the funds raised go towards our school. Every year we help support our children and teachers with extra funds to put towards exciting fieldtrips and extra class room supplies.


Raised 50% of $1,000.00

Campaign Ended On: 11/06/2020

Buy gift cards to support this campaign.

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Campaign Update
As we near closer to our group order deadline I wanted to give you an update on our totals:
So far as a group we have had a total of 31 orders placed worth over $14,000.00 in gift cards! Out of this we will see a little over $450 come back to the school. Our group order deadline is November 6th, so get your orders in today if you would like to participate in this fundraiser.
Campaign Update
Thank you to all of our supporters! As of October 30th we have had over $10,000 in gift card purchases with over $330 of that coming back to our school.
Don't forget to place your orders before Nov 6th to take part in the free group shipping option.
Happy shopping!

Raised 50% of $1,000.00

Campaign Ended On: 11/06/2020

Buy gift cards to support this campaign.

View how it works.
