Fondation école Félix-Leclerc - Fundraising of school's musical program

Schools - Public Elementary School Quebec


Welcome to the FundScrip page for the Félix-Leclerc school Foundation !

How does it work ?
Fundscrip is a Canada-wide fundraising program allowing you to raise funds for the Félix-Leclerc school Foundation by simply purchasing gift cards for your everyday purchases or as gifts. For example, when you buy a 100$ grocery gift card, you receive the 100$ gift card AND a percentage will also be given to our fundraising campaign. Note that this campaign will remain throughout the year and will allow the Foundation to secure funds year-round. Thank you for your generosity!

About the Félix-Leclerc school Foundation
As you may know, the Foundation financially supports the school’s programs by contributing, for instances to the renewal, the maintenance and the repair of their musical instruments. In addition to its supports to the school's musical vocation, the Foundation contributes to specific projects that supports the school's pedagogical mission.

Furthermore, over the last few years, the Foundation contributed to various projects for the school such as :
From 2017 to 2019 : the Foundation donated 45 000$ for an ambitious schoolyard embellishment project (addition of a new playground module and complete fencing at the intersection of Tiffin and Wagram streets).

Autumn 2020 : the Foundation bought 14 cellos for an approximative amount of 20 000 $ thus allowing cellists and their teacher to learn and practice in more optimal conditions.

Our next project : the replacement of the entire fleet of pianos, a large scale project estimated at 50 000$.

Félix-Leclerc school's Foundation thanks you!


Raised 20% of $10,000.00

Buy gift cards to support this campaign.

View how it works.



Raised 20% of $10,000.00

Buy gift cards to support this campaign.

View how it works.
